AVAILABLE DURING ACCUMULATION The available investment options have been categorized for you: Conservative Moderate Aggressive ® American Funds IS-The Bond Fund of American Century VP Balanced I AB VPS Growth and Income B America Fund (4) ® American Funds IS - Asset Allocation Fund AB VPS Large Cap Growth B ® ® American Funds IS - US Gov Secs Fd BlackRock 60/40 Trgt Allc ETF VI III American Funds IS - Cptl Wld Gr & Inc Fd Columbia VP Intermediate Bond 2 ® BlackRock Global Allocation V.I. III American Funds IS - Global Growth Fund Columbia VP Limited Duration Credit 2 ® Columbia VP Balanced 2 American Funds IS - Growth Fund ® ® ® Fidelity VIP FundsManager 20% Portfolio Columbia VP Strategic Income 2 American Funds IS - Growth-Income Fund ® ® ® Fidelity VIP Investment Grade Bond Port Fidelity VIP Asset Manager Portfolio Service 2 American Funds IS - Intl Gr And Inc Fund Goldman Sachs VIT Core Fixed Income Svc ® ® Fidelity VIP Balanced Portfolio Service 2 American Funds IS - Washington Mutual Inv Invesco VI Government Securities II ® Fidelity VIP Target Volatility Service 2 ClearBridge Variable Dividend Strat Port Invesco VI US Government Mny Ptf I Franklin Income VIP 2 ClearBridge Variable Large Cap Gr Port Lord Abbett Series Short Duration Inc Pt ® ® Goldman Sachs VIT Trd Driv Alloc Svc Fidelity VIP FundsManager 85% Portfolio PIMCO VIT Low Duration Adv ® Invesco VI Balanced-Risk Allocation II Fidelity VIP Health Care Portfolio Service 2 PIMCO VIT Real Return Adv ® Invesco VI Cnsrv Bal II Fidelity VIP Index 500 Portfolio Service 2 PIMCO VIT Short-Term Adv ® Janus Henderson VIT Balanced Svc Fidelity VIP Mid Cap Portfolio Service 2 PIMCO VIT Total Return Adv Lord Abbett Series Fd Bd Debenture Port Franklin Rising Dividends VIP 2 Western Asset Core Plus VIT II Morgan Stanley VIF Core Fxd Inc II Goldman Sachs VIT Mid Cap Growth Svc Morgan Stanley VIF Global Strategist II Goldman Sachs VIT Strategic Growth Svc PIMCO Income Adv Invesco VI Comstock II PIMCO VIT All Asset Adv Invesco VI Equity and Income II PIMCO VIT Global Diversified Alloc Adv Invesco VI Growth and Income II PIMCO VIT High Yield Adv Janus Henderson VIT Forty Svc PIMCO VIT Long-Term US Govt Adv Lord Abbett Series Dividend Growth Port Protective Life Dynamic Allc Ser ModPort Lord Abbett Series Fund Fdmtl Eq Port Protective Life Dynamic AllcSerCnsrvPort Protective Life Dynamic Allc Ser Gr Port Templeton Global Bond VIP 2 T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Port II For Financial Professional Use Only. Not for Use With Consumers. 17