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Universal life insurance | Product guide Flexibility — now and down the road At Protective, we understand that everyone’s situation is di昀昀erent and that needs often change over the course of time. That’s why Protective Custom Choice UL o昀昀ers options and 昀氀exibility to meet your speci昀椀c needs and goals. Now: Customize your coverage With Protective Custom Choice UL, you can customize how long you want your life insurance coverage to last. You choose the amount of coverage you want (the death bene昀椀t), and an initial level bene昀椀t period of 10 to 30 years. During this time, as long as you pay the scheduled premiums, your death bene昀椀t is guaranteed to remain 2 level and your policy will never lapse. Later: Stay protected after the initial bene昀椀t period, for the same cost After the initial level bene昀椀t period ends, your guaranteed death bene昀椀t will begin to decrease while your premium payment amount remains the same. The death bene昀椀t amount will decrease each year until it reaches the minimum of $10,000. At that point, your premiums will increase each year. You also have the option to exchange your policy for a permanent universal life insurance option from Protective Life anytime in your 昀椀rst 20 policy years up to age 70, without going through more medical exams. If your needs change and you want to maintain your current death bene昀椀t beyond the initial level bene昀椀t period, you may exercise this option. See how this works Death bene昀椀t: Death bene昀椀t $500,000 decreases: $211,002 Annual premium: Same annual $237.44 premium: $237.44 1 15 16 Policy year $500,000 death bene昀椀t, 15-year initial death bene昀椀t period, female, age 35, preferred 2 In order for the lapse protection to be in force, accumulated premiums paid (less pro rata adjustments for loans and withdrawals) must be equivalent to or greater than the accumulated Minimum Monthly Guaranteed Premiums. 2

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