Protection for Your Loved Ones Life insurance is about protection. It helps provide security for your loved ones when they need it most. Providing them with this protection can help ensure they do not face the added burden of 昀椀nancial pressures should something happen to you. Death Bene昀椀t Coverage The death bene昀椀t from your Protective Lifetime Assurance UL policy can be paid directly to your bene昀椀ciaries to help them replace your income and maintain their standard of living. It may also help cover things like burial, 昀椀nal expenses and recurring or future expenses. With Protective Lifetime Assurance UL, you also have the option of decreasing your death bene昀椀t amount without having to buy a new, separate policy if your needs change. Your death bene昀椀t coverage can even be guaranteed up to your lifetime, meaning your policy will not lapse as 1 long as your planned premiums are paid. 1 Lapse protection guarantees the policy death bene昀椀t for the duration of the guarantee and does not cover cash or surrender value. Loans, withdrawals, and other policy and premium changes will a昀昀ect the cost and length of protection. Failure to make premium payments as planned may cause the policy to lose lapse protection and premiums required to restore it could be signi昀椀cantly higher. Refer to the policy and endorsements for complete terms, conditions and limitations. 1

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