Determining indexed interest rates — A hypothetical example This example demonstrates how your Protective Indexed Choice UL policy value can be protected from a negative index performance. When the percentage change in the S&P 500 is negative during your indexed segment year, you bene昀椀t from the protection of the 0% 昀氀oor rate. You may not earn any interest that year, but your policy won’t lose value due to the negative S&P 500 performance. Remember, policy charges and fees will continue to be withdrawn from your policy value. How it works 12% 8% 4% 0% Policy year 1 Policy year 3 Policy year 4 The maximum Positive index The maximum -4% crediting interest performance is less crediting interest rate is earned, than the interest rate is earned, because positive Policy year 2 rate cap, so the because positive index performance crediting interest index performance exceeded the Indexed rate equals the once again interest rate cap. performance is percentage change exceeded the negative. The in the index. interest rate cap. result is simply that no interest is earned. S&P 500 index percentage change Crediting interest rate (excluding dividends) This example is hypothetical and intended solely to represent how the credited interest rate for an indexed segment is determined. Actual net earnings will be less because policy fees and charges will be deducted from the policy value. Please note that rates are subject to change at the discretion of Protective. 5

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