Protection for your loved ones Life insurance provides security for your loved ones when they need it most. Providing them with this protection can help them avoid added 昀椀nancial pressures should something happen to you. Death bene昀椀t coverage The death bene昀椀t from your Protective Indexed Choice UL policy can be paid directly to your bene昀椀ciaries to replace your income and help maintain their standard of living. It can also be used for things like burial and 昀椀nal expenses as well as recurring or future expenses. Your policy will not lapse before age 90 as long 1,2 as premiums are paid on time and there are no policy loans or withdrawals. Protective Indexed Choice UL also lets you increase or decrease your death bene昀椀t amount if your needs change, without having to buy a new, separate policy. Growing cash value With Protective Indexed Choice UL, you have a choice of two interest accounts which can work together to build cash value. The 昀椀xed account Premium amounts allocated to the 昀椀xed account earns interest at a company-declared rate. While the 昀椀xed account interest rate is guaranteed to never be lower than 1%, the current credited rate could be higher and is subject to change at the discretion of Protective Life. The indexed account ® The indexed account credits interest to your policy based on the positive performance of the S&P 500 Index (excluding dividends), which gives you greater cash value potential. When a premium payment is allocated to the indexed account, an indexed segment is created. 1 The lapse protection guarantees the policy death bene昀椀t only, not the cash or surrender value. Policy transactions and premium changes will a昀昀ect the cost and length of the protection. Late or skipped premiums are not recommended because this may cause the policy to lose lapse protection and the premiums required to restore lapse protection could be signi昀椀cantly higher. Complete terms and conditions can be found in the policy and endorsements, and your insurance professional can advise you regarding the e昀昀ect of premium adjustments. 2 The lapse age in NY is 85. 1

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