SecurePay NH Living longer and the costs associated with aging can have a signi昀椀cant impact on your clients’ retirement savings. Preparing now for potential nursing home care is an essential part of their long-term planning. In certain situations, SecurePay NH allows clients to increase their annual withdrawal percentage to a maximum of 10% for up to 昀椀ve years if con昀椀ned to a nursing home and meet certain eligibility requirements. It can provide another layer of protection if plans change. RightTime The solutions you choose to help protect your clients’ retirement income should be 昀氀exible enough to react to their changing needs over time. With RightTime, clients can make their decision later for an additional 0.10% to the optional income bene昀椀t fee versus adding an optional guaranteed income bene昀椀t at issue. This way, they don’t have to decide upfront — they have the 昀氀exibility to add an income option later for no additional fee. For Financial Professional Use Only. Not for Use With Consumers. 33