Protective® refers to Protective Life Insurance Company (PLICO), Nashville, TN. Variable annuities are distributed by Investment Distributors, Inc. (IDI), Birmingham, AL, a broker-dealer and the principal underwriter for registered products issued by PLICO, its a昀케liate. Product guarantees are backed by the 昀椀nancial strength and claims-paying ability of PLICO. Protective® is a registered trademark of PLICO. The Protective trademarks, logos and service marks are property of PLICO and are protected by copyright, trademark, and/or other proprietary rights and laws. SecurePay NH nursing home enhancement may not be available in all states and may not be available with new contracts in the future. To qualify for SecurePay NH, the client must: Be con昀椀ned to a quali昀椀ed nursing care facility; be unable to perform two out of six speci昀椀ed Activities of Daily Living or be diagnosed with a severe cognitive impairment; have not been in a nursing home one year before and after purchasing an optional protected lifetime income bene昀椀t. Proof of continued quali昀椀cation is required for each contract year in which this bene昀椀t is claimed. Protective Aspirations variable annuity is a 昀氀exible premium deferred variable and 昀椀xed annuity contract issued by PLICO in all states except New York under policy form series VDA-P-2006. SecurePay Investor bene昀椀ts issued under rider form number VDA-P-6063. SecurePay Protector bene昀椀ts issued under rider form number VDA-P-6061. SecurePay Nursing Home bene昀椀ts issued under form number IPV-2159. Policy form numbers, product availability and product features may vary by state. Withdrawals reduce the annuity’s remaining death bene昀椀t, contract value, cash surrender value and future earnings. Withdrawals may be subject to income tax and, if taken prior to age 59½, an additional 10% IRS tax penalty may apply. More frequent withdrawals may reduce earnings more than annual withdrawals. During the withdrawal charge period, withdrawals in excess of the penalty-free amount may be subject to a withdrawal charge. Variable annuities are long-term investments intended for retirement planning and involve market risk and the possible loss of principal. Investments in variable annuities are subject to fees and changes from the insurance company and the investment managers. Neither Protective nor its representatives o昀昀er legal or tax advice. Purchasers should consult their attorney or tax advisor regarding their individual situation. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of a variable annuity, any optional protected lifetime income bene昀椀t, and the underlying investment options before investing. This and other information is contained in the prospectuses for a variable annuity and its underlying investment options. Investors should read the prospectuses carefully before investing. Prospectuses may be obtained by contacting PLICO at 800-456-6330. Not FDIC/NCUA Insured Not Bank or Credit Union Guaranteed Not a Deposit Not Insured By Any Federal Government Agency May Lose Value PABD.4391419.02.24 For Financial Professional Use Only. Not for Use With Consumers.